Through analytical qualitative research, the study aims to deduce the factors, parameters, sub-parameters, and inter-dependent relationships between them. These were developed through the lens of user perception. Through these connections, by analyzing repeating patterns in-depth, I then developed a framework that can be applied to projects to quantify the factor of 'Novelty' felt by users in spaces the framework is applied to.
Skills applied
Design Research
Data Visualization
Spatial Analysis
User Interviews
Data Categorization
Synthesis of Research Framework/toolkit for application
Recognizing repeated patterns to generate readings in a complex network study
Collaborative Problem-solving in Research work
The study aims to understand the potential, possibilities and manifestation of the application of Technology on interior design through Interior Practice and by the emergence of Novel /New Tectonics generated in the synthesis. The research categorizes Geometry, Matter and Operation as factors integral for tectonic manifestation in Interior design. To apply factors of Interior Practice for setting up its relevance on the Novel Tectonics, the Industrial production improvement model of People - Process technology has been adapted and applied in the framework. The research investigates through the established framework, the co-relations and inter-dependencies of these multiple parameters to generate deeper insights and conclude with an attempt to quantify the factor of Novelty in Interior Tectonics. The study hence generates a reading into the wider implications of application of technology and production processes on the Interior Design Field, Practice, Tectonics, and the potential for tectonic novelty it provides. This study was conducted with the expert guidance of Prof. Amal Shah.
To construct and evaluate parameters of interior tectonic that are affected by production processes, techniques, and concepts of technology.
To construct and evaluate the parameters of Interior Design Practice and production that contribute towards Novel Tectonics.
To set up the co-relationships between Technology, Interior Tectonics, production process and Interior Practice by evaluation of case-studies through established parameters.
To synthesize a method of mapping the factor of novelty of tectonics through established co-relations to Quantify it.
To set up broader implications of technology on Interior Design field and Practice through a shift in Interior Tectonics.

Charting subject areas of research and analysis

Charting Research Methodology as a System Map, after analysing the interdependencies of sub-factors

Categorizing hierarchal factors. The idea was that these can be analysed against one another to produce cross-readings

Breaking down to components to understand and illustrate each stage's and element's relation to technology applied from allied technical and design fields. I further studied them on the basis of the additional layers of the two applied frameworks: Geometry, Matter and Articulation, and People-Process-Technology

I chose a sequential charting depiction method for all the case studies. In doing so, the co-relation of technology applied and the involvement of the typologies of stakeholders could both be differentiated for different design process stages, and the dependencies could be better understood.

The afore-mentioned studies led me to the decision that a hierarchal matrix charting method would be an effective manner to develop a framework for application on case studies. As the six main factors were determined earlier, I could filter the relevant sub-factors for them through multiple literature studies, and by conducting relevant secondary research on design practices and projects.
Each inter-relation is charted at the observed intersections, followed by an elaborate note in the thesis as to how X impacts Y and/or Y impacts X.

After understanding these co-relationships in depth and studying repeating patterns in the readings, I could develop:
(1) A list of end readings that essentially become a quantification method for recording the factor of Novelty in the projects (marked in colors). These, when applied to the framework, generate a second layer of readings that are recorded as numerical values. [Reading I]
(2) Sub-factors playing the roles of an Active Initiator, and an Active Executor to understand implications for the Design Practice. [Reading II]

Reading I and Reading II are recorded for all case studies as a template framework.
Following are applications of the same methodology on other case studies. I then combined these in a comparative chart for a Study Overview and end-results (At the end of this document)

Final Readings

Summary : (A) Impact of Newer Technologies studied, on the Design Practice as an overview
(B) Charting emergence of Novelty as observed through the research readings

An end overview of how user perception is becoming affected through the factors considered in the study
Learnings :
The study focused on multiple factors like user experience, user perception, design practices, and digital and production technologies as applied to spatial design. Through the course of the study, my mind began to comprehend many complex super-imposition concepts. I became able to visualize complex networks of inter-relationships and inter-dependencies in my mind and could strategize effective ways to filter, process, and apply them in a relevant manner.
After completing this research under my guide, Prof. Amal Shah, I believe I have already applied the idea of dependencies multiple times during my work experiences. I believe the learnings from these are multi-nodal and can be applied across any typology of research work, and I believe these understandings in the User Experience Field will produce fruitful results.